
Translating Words into Math (1-7)

Translating Words into Math (Algebraic Expressions)
 Variable: A letter represents a number.
 Constant: A number that cannot be changed.
 Algebraic Expression: Consists of 1 or more variables, usually contains constants and operations.
 Evaluate: Substitute a number for the variable in an Algebraic Expression.

Addition     increased by
more than
combined, together
total of
sum, plus
added to
Subtraction  decreased by
minus, less
difference between/of
less than, fewer than
Multiplication    of
times, multiplied by
product of
increased/decreased by a
  factor of (this type can
  involve both addition or
  subtraction and
Division  per, a
out of
ratio of, quotient of
percent (divide by 100)
Equals is, are, was, were, will be
gives, yields
sold for
 To really learn "how to do" word problems, you will need to practice, practice, practice.

The 1st step to effectively translating and solving word problems is to read the problem entirely. Don't start trying to solve anything when you've only read half a sentence. Try first to get a feel for the whole problem; try first to see what information you have, and what you still need.

The 2nd step is to work in an organized manner. Figure out what you need but don't have, and name things. Pick variables to stand for the unknows, clearly labeling these variables with what they stand for. Draw and label pictures neatly. Explain your reasoning as you go along. And make sure you know just exactly what the problem is actually asking for. You need to do this for two reasons:
  1. Working clearly will help you think clearly, and
  2. figuring out what you need will help you translate your final answer back into English.
Regarding (2) above: It can be really frustrating (and embarrassing) to spend fifteen minutes solving a word problem on a test, only to realize at the end that you no longer have any idea what "x" stands for, so you have to do the whole problem over again.

The 3rd step is to look for "key" words. Certain words indicate certain mathematical operations. 

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