
Solving Equations Containing Integers (2-5)

Solving Equations Containing Integers


Inverse Property of Addition - The sum of a number and its opposite.

Inverse Operation - The operation that is opposite of the one in the equation. If addition is in the
                                equation you use subtraction. If multiplication is in the equation, use division.



 -3 + y = -5          Always rewrite the problem EVERY step of the way.
+3         +3          Begin on the side of the equation that contains the variable, in this case there is a -3  
        y = -2          so we add 3 to each side of the = sign. Remember what we do on one side of the
                           equal sign we have to do on the other side.  Adding +3 to -3 will cancel the -3,
                           leaving the variable alone. Adding 3 to -5 leave -2. Therefore, the answer is y = -2 

n + 3 = -10            x - 8 = -32
     -3      -3               +8    +8 
      n =  -13                x = -24                     


 ( -3 )   a = 9(-3)                 As with the addition and subtraction equations with multiplication and
          -3                             division equations you  ALWAYS want to rewrite the problem after 
           a   = -27                  preforming each step. Since this is a division problem we will need to use
                                          multiplication to solve the equation. This wil cancel out the -3 under the
                                          variable (a); Putting a by it self.  Remember, what we do on one side of the
                                          = sign we need to do on the other side. Multiplying 9 by -3 gives an
                                         answer of -27.
-120 = 6x                         Multiplication can be represented by a number next to a variable, as in 6x.
-120 = 6x                         The inverse operation is division. Don't forget to divide both side of the =

   6   = 6                           sign by the same number

-20  = x

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