
Slope and Rates of Change (5-6)

Slope and Rates of Change


Coordinate Plane- a plane containing a horizontal number line and a vertical number line.

X-axis- a horizontal number line on a coordinate plane. The left side is negative, the right side is
Y-axis- a vertical number line on a coordinate plane. The upper portion is positive and the lower
            portion is negative.
Origin- The intersecting point of the x and y axis.

Quadrant- four equal regions on a coordinate plane created by the placement of the x and y axis.

Ordered Pair- a pair of numbers that can be used to locate a specific point on a coordinate plane.

Function- operates according to a rule to produce exactly one output value for each input.

Input- the value substituted into the function.

Output- the value that results from the substitution of a given input into the function.

Sequence- an ordered list of numbers.

Term- each number within a sequence.

Arithmetic Sequence- a set of numbers in which the difference between any two numbers are the
Common Difference- the terms of the sequence differ by the same nonzero number.

Geometric Sequence- each term is multiplied by the same amount to get the next term in the
Linear Equations- an equation whose graph is a line.

Linear Function- a function whose graph is a non-vertical line.

Slope- The measured steepness of a line and is the ratio rise to run.

Rate of Change- the ratio of two quantities that change, such as a slope.

X-Intercept- the x-coordinate of the point where the line intersects the x-axis. The y-coordinate of
                     this point is always zero.

Y-Intercept- the y-coordinate of the point where the line intersects the y-axis. The x-coordinate of
                    this point is always zero.

Slope-Intercept Form- the linear equation y = mx +b ; m is the slope and b is the y-intercept of the


The mathematical definition of slope is very similar to our everyday one. In math, slope is the ratio of the vertical and horizontal changes between two points on a surface or a line. The vertical change between two points is called the rise, and the horizontal change is called the run. The slope equals the rise divided by the run: . This simple equation is called the slope formula.

The slope formula is often shortened to the phrase “rise over run.” Although it sounds simple, the slope formula is a powerful tool for calculating and comparing the steepness of landscapes, structures, and lines.

Rate of Change
Connecting Slope to Real Life

Why do we need to find the slope of a line?
The slope of a line tells us how something changes over time. If we find the slope we can find the rate of change over that period.
take a lookat the following graph.

rate of change graph
This graph shows how John's savings account balance has changed over the course of a year. We can see that he opened his account with $300 and by the end of the first month he had saved $100. By the end of the 12 month time span, John had $1500 in his savings account.
John may want to analyze his finances a little more and figure out about how much he was saving per month. This is called the rate of change per month.
By finding the slope of the line, we would be calculating the rate of change.
We can't count the rise over the run like we did in the calculating slope lesson because our units on the x and y axis are not the same. In most real life problems, your units will not be the same on the x and y axis. So, we need another method!
We will need to use a formula for finding slope given two points.

Finding Slope Given Two Points

rate of change
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Rate of Change
Connecting Slope to Real Life

Why do we need to find the slope of a line?
The slope of a line tells us how something changes over time. If we find the slope we can find the rate of change over that period.
take a lookat the following graph.

rate of change graph
This graph shows how John's savings account balance has changed over the course of a year. We can see that he opened his account with $300 and by the end of the first month he had saved $100. By the end of the 12 month time span, John had $1500 in his savings account.
John may want to analyze his finances a little more and figure out about how much he was saving per month. This is called the rate of change per month.
By finding the slope of the line, we would be calculating the rate of change.
We can't count the rise over the run like we did in the calculating slope lesson because our units on the x and y axis are not the same. In most real life problems, your units will not be the same on the x and y axis. So, we need another method!
We will need to use a formula for finding slope given two points.

Finding Slope Given Two Points

rate of change
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We can find the slope of a line on a graph by counting off the rise and the run between two points. If a line rises 4 units for every 1 unit that it runs, the slope is 4 divided by 1, or 4. A large number like this indicates a steep slope: in this case, the slope goes 4 steps up for every one step sideways.

If a line rises 2 units while it runs 8 units, the slope is 2 divided by 8, or ¼. A small number like this represents a gentle slope. This line goes up only 1 step while it travels 4 steps to the side.

The ratio of rise over run describes the slope of all straight lines. This ratio is constant between any two points along a straight line, which means that the slope of a straight line is constant, too, no matter where it is measured along the line.

It’s easy to find the slope of a line on a graph by measuring the rise and the run. We can also find the slope of a straight line if we know the coordinates of any two points on that line. Every point has a set of coordinates: a y-value and an x-value, written as (x, y). The x value tells us where a point is horizontally. The y value tells us where the point is vertically.

Consider two random points on a line. We’ll call them point 1 and point 2. Point 1 has coordinates (x1, y1) and point 2 has coordinates (x2, y2).

The rise is the vertical distance between the two points, which is the difference between their y-coordinates. That makes the rise y2 y1. The run between these two points is the difference in the x-coordinates, or x2 x1. Since slope equals rise over run, the slope of the line is y2 y1 over x2 x1.  We’ve now got a new way to write the slope formula and to calculate the value of a slope. Slope is the difference between the y-coordinates divided by the difference between the x-coordinates.

Mathematicians commonly use the letter m to represent slope. So this is how you will most often see the slope formula written in algebra: . At heart, though, this is still the simple equation of slope = rise over run.

Let’s use the slope formula to calculate the slope of a line, using just the coordinates of two points. The line passes through the points (1, 4) and (-1, 8). Let’s call the point (1, 4) point 1, and the point (-1, 8) point 2. That means x1 = 1, y1 = 4, x2 = -1, and y2 = 8.

(1, 4)
x1 = 1
y1 = 4
(-1, 8)
x2 = -1
y2 = 8

The slope formula is . When we put the coordinates into the formula, we get the equation . This reduces to m = -2. The slope of the line is -2.

It is important to realize that it doesn’t matter which point is designated as 1 and which is 2. We could have called (-1, 8) point 1, and (1, 4) point 2. In that case, putting the coordinates into the slope formula produces the equation . Once again, that simplifies to m = -2. That’s the same slope as before.

So far we’ve considered lines that run “uphill” or “downhill.”  Their slopes may be large or small, but they are always positive or negative numbers. But there are two other kinds of lines, horizontal and vertical. What is the slope of a flat line or level ground? Of a sheer wall or a vertical line?

Let’s consider a horizontal line on a graph. No matter which two points we choose on the line, they will always have the same y-coordinate.

That means the rise, the vertical difference between two points, will always be zero. That makes sense—a horizontal line doesn’t go up or down. What happens when we put a rise of 0 into the slope formula? It becomes . Zero divided by any number is zero. The slope of a horizontal line is always 0.

How about vertical lines? In their case, no matter which two points we choose, they will always have the same x-coordinate,

That means that the run, the horizontal difference between two points, will always be zero. That makes sense—a vertical line doesn’t go sideways at all. When we put a run of 0 into the slope formula, the equation becomes .  We can’t calculate that value because division by zero has no meaning in the set of real numbers. All vertical lines have a slope that is undefined.

 Video Help

Rate of Change
Connecting Slope to Real Life

Why do we need to find the slope of a line?
The slope of a line tells us how something changes over time. If we find the slope we can find the rate of change over that period.
take a lookat the following graph.

rate of change graph
This graph shows how John's savings account balance has changed over the course of a year. We can see that he opened his account with $300 and by the end of the first month he had saved $100. By the end of the 12 month time span, John had $1500 in his savings account.
John may want to analyze his finances a little more and figure out about how much he was saving per month. This is called the rate of change per month.
By finding the slope of the line, we would be calculating the rate of change.
We can't count the rise over the run like we did in the calculating slope lesson because our units on the x and y axis are not the same. In most real life problems, your units will not be the same on the x and y axis. So, we need another method!
We will need to use a formula for finding slope given two points.

Finding Slope Given Two Points

rate of change
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Rate of Change
Connecting Slope to Real Life

Why do we need to find the slope of a line?
The slope of a line tells us how something changes over time. If we find the slope we can find the rate of change over that period.
take a lookat the following graph.

rate of change graph
This graph shows how John's savings account balance has changed over the course of a year. We can see that he opened his account with $300 and by the end of the first month he had saved $100. By the end of the 12 month time span, John had $1500 in his savings account.
John may want to analyze his finances a little more and figure out about how much he was saving per month. This is called the rate of change per month.
By finding the slope of the line, we would be calculating the rate of change.
We can't count the rise over the run like we did in the calculating slope lesson because our units on the x and y axis are not the same. In most real life problems, your units will not be the same on the x and y axis. So, we need another method!
We will need to use a formula for finding slope given two points.

Finding Slope Given Two Points

rate of change
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