
Equations & Their Solutions (1-9)

Equations & Their Solutions


Equation: A mathematical statement that two expressions are equal in value.
Solution: When an equation contains a variable and the value of the variable makes the statement

Lets say that Juan had 22 songs on his phone. This is 9 more than Paul has. 

We could write this as an equation: 22 = S + 9  The = sign works as a balance, thus whatever we do on one side of the equal sign we must do on the other. Our objective is to get S alone. This is accomplished by using the inverse operation.


22 = S + 9   Remember: we want to get the variable alone, using the inverse operation.
-9         -9    The inverse operation of +9 is -9  always begin on the side that has the variable.
     = S         Get the variable alone
13 = S

Tyler wants to buy a new skateboard. He has $57, which is $38 less than he needs. What does the skateboard cost? So, how do we write the equation?
S - 38 = 57    S = skateboard... Remember to begin on the side that has the variable, use the inverse 
   +38  +38                                operation.
S        = 95                                Therefore, S = 95. The cost of the skate board is $95

Harvey spent $22 at the gas station. He paid $3 per gallon for gas and $4 for snacks. We want to find out how many gallons of gas Harvey purchased. Because we do not know how many gallons of gas Harvey bought we will use the variable of g, for gallons.

3x + 4 = 22  Begin on the variable side, leave the variable to the very end, and use inverse operation.
     - 4    -4    Remember: Whatever you do on one side of the = sign you must do on the other.
3g    =  18   ALWAYS rewrite your problem...Every Step.
3g    =  18   3x is multiplication, (3 times g), the inverse operation of multiplication is division. Draw
 3          3    a line under 3g and place a 3 under the line on both sides. This will cancel out the 3x and
   g   =   6    make it x. Dividing 18 by 3 = 6. Harvey purchased 6 gallons of gas.

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