Integers - A set of whole numbers and their opposites.
Divisor - The quantity by which another quantity is to be divided (the number outside).
Dividend - A quantity to be divided (the number inside).
Quotient - The result (answer) of the division of one quantity by another.
Reciprocal - Two numbers that have the product of 1.
Coefficient - A number used to multiply a variable.
Inverse Operation - The operation that is the opposite of another (i.e. multiplication = division)
Variable - A symbol, usually a letter, that can stand for a variable quantity.
Linear equation - An equation whose graph in a coordinate grid is a straight line.
A linear equation is an algebraic equation in which the variable(s) are multiplied by numbers or added to numbers, with nothing more complicated than that.
A solution to an equation is a number that can be plugged in for the variable to make a true number statement.
Some linear equations can be solved with a single operation. For this type of equation, use the inverse operation to solve. Inverse operations "undo" each other. The easiest type involves only an addition or a subtraction.
Solve: p + 4.5 = 9.3
The inverse operation of addition is subtraction. So, subtract –4.5 from both sides.
p + 4.5 – 4.5 = 9.3 – 4.5
p = 4.8
Example 1:
Solve: The inverse operation of multiplication is division. So, divide both sides by 6.3.
y = 1.3
Example 2:
Solve: To isolate the variable a (to get a coefficient of 1), multiply both sides by 3.5.
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